torsdag 18. august 2011

Heklet baby sett:)

Boots og votter heklet i Merino fra Drops. krok nr. 3 1/2 str. 0-3 mnd:)
 Her er oppskriften,den er på engelsk men veldig lett :) En kan få den oversatt på Google Oversetter om en har lyst:)

Baby votter :)


Ch 7
Row 1: fm in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across (6 sts).
Rows 2 - 14: Ch 1, turn. Working in back  loop only, sc across.
Slip stitch the short ends together to form cuff. Turn right side out. Ch1, turn sideways with cuff down.
Row 1: sc around in ends of cuff rows (21 sts). Slip stitch in top of 1st sc. Ch 2, do NOT turn.
Row 2: HDC in same st as joining and in each st around. Sl st in top of 1st HDC to join. Ch 1.
Row 3: Working in back loop only, * sc in joing st and in each st around. Join, ch 2.
Rows 4 - 9: Repeat rows 2 and 3.
Row 10: Dec as follows - Pull up loop in next sc, pull up loop in next sc, YO and pull thru all 3 loops on hook. Continue around. Join, ch1.
Row 11: Sc around. Join. Fasten off. Thread yarn thru needle and pull through back loops of last sc row. Draw, knot.

2 kommentarer:

  1. SÅ MYE FINT DU HAR LAGET!!!!! Kikker nedover sida her og det ene lekre etter det andre ruller fram! Skikkelig artig å sjå så mye fint heklet!! Flink du!!

  2. Denne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av forfatteren.
